Friday 12 December 2014

Editing our clip

Today (12th December) I took the encoded clips from Wednesday and put them into Premier Pro, once imported I named them all then set to work on cutting them down to relevant size so only the 'good stuff' made it into the cut. It took me around 30-40 minutes to get everything in. After my little session the clip came to be 1:37 minutes so we need around 20 more seconds but we have the material, my only issue with it is that it's not the best.

Harry Smith helped me out with the editing to make sure all the audio was ok because he was the nearest person with headphones, he was a good help and added a couple of fades between shots where we had to do a double shot because I forgot something. The transitions improve the overall quality of the clip so far for which I am grateful.

All that needs to be done now is add the clips that were filmed outside and the voiceover tracks and we have a good product that can be tweaked.


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